Welcome to Roster Forge:
Your Roster Management Hub for Tabletop Games

At Roster Forge, we are dedicated to providing tabletop gaming enthusiasts with a streamlined and efficient platform for creating and managing rosters for their favorite tabletop games. Whether you're a fan of miniature wargaming, role-playing games, or other tabletop experiences, our platform is designed to simplify roster management, giving you more time to focus on the excitement of gameplay.

Our Mission: Enhancing Your Gaming Strategy

Our mission is to empower tabletop gamers by offering a user-friendly and feature-rich solution for roster creation and organization. We understand the critical role roster management plays in optimizing your gaming strategy. With our innovative tools and resources, you can build well-structured rosters that align with your chosen game's rules and dynamics, ensuring you're fully prepared for epic battles.

Our plans to be different

  • Game Diversity: Roster Forge caters to a wide range of roster-based tabletop games. Whether you're immersed in the dark and futuristic realms of Warhammer 40,000 or exploring the magical landscapes of Dungeons & Dragons, our platform supports various popular games, allowing you to build rosters specific to each unique universe.
  • Customization Made Easy: We believe in flexibility and customization to suit your gaming preferences. Tailor your rosters based on game-specific rules, point limits, army compositions, and any other crucial factors. Our intuitive interface simplifies the process, ensuring you can effortlessly assemble your ideal lineup of units, abilities, and equipment.
  • Community Collaboration: Join a vibrant community of tabletop gamers and connect with like-minded enthusiasts. Share your rosters, engage in discussions, exchange valuable strategies, and discover new tactics. Together, we can collectively enhance our gaming experiences and foster a sense of camaraderie within the tabletop gaming community.
  • Continuous Improvement: We are committed to constantly improving our platform based on user feedback and industry trends. Expect regular updates, new features, and enhanced functionality to further streamline your roster-building experience and elevate your gaming endeavors.